Désolé les Winners...
Voilà la réponse que j'ai eu.
Victor Bunel
what happened? why nobody came?
21 hours agoMichael Hardt
at least ppl could have said something.. 8 ppl wasting their time waiting to catch a game, sucks! :-(
21 hours agoMichael Hardt
@victor, so whats the deal, is the game wildcarded or do we take a def loss?
that famas guy said we should contact them if we wanna play...
21 hours agoChris Blackbeard Koc
My bad, got the times mixed up :<
21 hours agoSlava Ingerman
OMG! I'm sorry guys, I thought that we'll play tonorrow....Sorry again

21 hours agoStaffan Bengtsson
Im home again after à dinner and à stand up show with my other half (early birthday gift from her) Tried to cut it off bit some free time together is Hard to find!!
21 hours agoSlava Ingerman
The situation in Israel is tense a bit, again we have a problem with our Palestinian neighbor

Virtoc, can we play the scrim in the next week?
18 hours agoRachel Elzes
Yea, if we play tomorrow or next week I can play
Donc du coup est-ce que vous êtes dispo la semaine prochaine même heure mercredi ?
Encore désolé...
PS: slava est israélien et compte tenu des évènements il ne peut pas garantir sa présence mais au pire nous serons 5.